Saul on the way to Damascus
Lego Road
Make a road out of Lego with the city of Damascus at the end
Saul travelled along the road to Damascus because he wanted to stop the Christians
What cities have you travelled to? Have you ever been to another country?
When Saul was travelling along the road, a bright light shone and he fell to the ground.
Decorate the tea light holder with glitter . When you get home light the tea light and see how the light make a difference
Colour in the suncatcher. When you get home put it on a window. The sun will make it light up.
When Saul was travelling along the road a bright light shone and he fell to the ground
What is the brightest light you can think of?
Take a cake pop. Cover it in icing. Add a chocolate button as an eyeball and cornflakes to show the flakes over Saul’s eyes.
It was as if flakes covered Saul’s eyes, so he couldn’t see. When Ananias prayed for Saul the flakes fell off
What do you think this was like for Saul?
Slot two lolly sticks into the peg to make a signpost. Use the clay to make it stand up.
Saul was going from Jerusalem to Damascus. He was angry with the Christians. After Jesus had spoken to him he changed and he went back to Jerusalem.
Have you ever hated something then grown to love it? Saul hated the Christians and then he became one. He changed direction.
Brush paint on your hands and then either
-put your hands on the head of the dummy
-or take a piece of paper and do handprints on the picture of the head
Do you know if anyone prays for you?
Put a glove on your hand and cover it with modroc
God told Ananias to put his hands on Saul and pray for him and Saul’s sight came back
Do you know anyone who has been healed when someone prayed for them?
Take two paper plates and make faces on them, one sad and one happy. Then stick them together with a stick taped in between.
Saul was sad when he couldn’t see, but he was happy when he could see again. He changed completely.
Can you think of a time when you were sad, but then something changed and you were happy again?
Prayer Picture
Cut out the shape of a building and stick it next to the others to make a picture of Damascus. You could cut out a house, a block of flats, a mosque, a school.

Stick tape onto the paper and then paint over it. When you pull off the tape it will be like rays of light. Then attach the calendar
Think of a new year's resolution you would like to make and scratch it into the heart. There are some suggestions on the sheet on the table.
Saul changed completely when he met Jesus. He changed from stopping the Christians, to telling people about Jesus.
At the start of this year what would you like to be different for you?
This page takes you through the various activities we had at Messy Church on 11 January 2015. Have a look and try a few!
Name badges
Make a badge with your name on it
Saul was also known as Paul. Saul was his name in the language that Jews spoke and Paul was his name in the language that Romans spoke.
If you could have a second name what would you choose?
Saul was also known as Paul. Saul was his name in the language that Jews spoke and Paul was his name in the language that Romans spoke.
If you could have a second name what would you choose?
Make a road out of Lego with the city of Damascus at the end
Saul travelled along the road to Damascus because he wanted to stop the Christians
What cities have you travelled to? Have you ever been to another country?
Lights and circuits
Colour in the picture of Saul on the way to Damascus. Then connect a bulb to the wires to make the bright light.
When Saul was travelling along the road, a bright light shone and he fell to the ground.
How bright do you think the light was that Saul saw?
Tea lights
Decorate the tea light holder with glitter . When you get home light the tea light and see how the light make a difference
When Saul was travelling along the road a bright light shone and he fell to the ground
Have you ever been really surprised by something you didn't expect? What had happened?
Colour in the suncatcher. When you get home put it on a window. The sun will make it light up.
When Saul was travelling along the road a bright light shone and he fell to the ground
What is the brightest light you can think of?
Put your hand in each bag but don’t look inside. Can you tell what is in each bag?
After seeing the bright light, when Saul got up again, he couldn’t see anything and had to be led to Damascus by his friends
It is hard when you can’t see. How did you work out what was in each bag?
Take a cake pop. Cover it in icing. Add a chocolate button as an eyeball and cornflakes to show the flakes over Saul’s eyes.
It was as if flakes covered Saul’s eyes, so he couldn’t see. When Ananias prayed for Saul the flakes fell off
What do you think this was like for Saul?
Slot two lolly sticks into the peg to make a signpost. Use the clay to make it stand up.
Saul was going from Jerusalem to Damascus. He was angry with the Christians. After Jesus had spoken to him he changed and he went back to Jerusalem.
Have you ever hated something then grown to love it? Saul hated the Christians and then he became one. He changed direction.
Brush paint on your hands and then either
-put your hands on the head of the dummy
-or take a piece of paper and do handprints on the picture of the head
God told Ananias to put his hands on Saul and pray for him. Ananias had to be very brave to do this as he knew Saul had set out to stop Christians.
Do you know if anyone prays for you?
Put a glove on your hand and cover it with modroc
Do you know anyone who has been healed when someone prayed for them?
Take two paper plates and make faces on them, one sad and one happy. Then stick them together with a stick taped in between.
Saul was sad when he couldn’t see, but he was happy when he could see again. He changed completely.
Can you think of a time when you were sad, but then something changed and you were happy again?
Prayer Picture
Cut out the shape of a building and stick it next to the others to make a picture of Damascus. You could cut out a house, a block of flats, a mosque, a school.
Damascus was an important place in Saul’s time and it is still important today.
People in Damascus today have a hard life. Syria is at war. Pray for the problems in Syria to be sorted out. Pray for the families living in Damascus today, and the children going to school there.
Stick tape onto the paper and then paint over it. When you pull off the tape it will be like rays of light. Then attach the calendar
Scratch Art Fridge Magnet
Think of a new year's resolution you would like to make and scratch it into the heart. There are some suggestions on the sheet on the table.
Saul changed completely when he met Jesus. He changed from stopping the Christians, to telling people about Jesus.
At the start of this year what would you like to be different for you?