Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Love Is........  

This page takes you through the various activities we had at Messy Church on 13th February 2016. Have a look and try a few!

Cake in a bag
Weigh out the ingredients you need into a bag
Take the instructions so that you know how to cook them when you get home and add the missing ingredient

I may know everything, have great faith to move mountains but without love I am nothing 
What happens when love is missing?

Lollystick plaque
Take a sheet of paper that shows what the Bible says about love
Stick lolly sticks on the back
Add a cord to hang it up

Love never fails

What do you find easy about love?  What do you find difficult?

Flower of hearts
The hearts will be the petals of the flower
Write on each one something that love is
Then stick them to a stalk to make a flower

Love is the most important thing God asks us to do

What do you find surprising about love?

Circus tricks
We challenge you to
-              get the stick around the wire without touching it
-              juggle two beanbags
juggle three beanbags
throw the diablo
Hula with the hula hoop

Love never gives up on people

How long did you keep trying?  Love doesn’t give up easily

Prayer heart
Write on a heart the names of people you care about

Stick your heart to the big heart and thank God for those people

Love is patient and kind

How many people can you think of that you care about?

Valentine Card
Take a card and decorate it with hearts

Love is kind

Who will you give your card to?

Make a volcano out of clay

Put a little cup in it and then mix some vinegar bicarbonate of soda and watch it erupt

Love does not get upset or angry with others

Do you get upset with other people?  What sort of things upset you?

Choose one of the shapes of spectacles.  Decorate it with felt tip pens and stick things onto it.

Stick on some cellophane with double sided tape, where the lenses should go

Love helps us to see things clearly

When we love someone how do we see them differently?

Heart Biscuits
Decorate the biscuit with heart shaped icing and a red sweet

Love is always hopeful and trusting

How can you show love to other people?

Gift box
Decorate the gift box, and put a chocolate in it

Love is not selfish, it thinks about other people not just itself

Who will you give your gift to?


Take a card flower.  Stick on a hazy mirror and decorate it with jewels.

Now all we can see of God is like a cloudy picture in a mirror.  Later we will see him face to face.

How well can you see yourself in the mirror?

Heart decoration
Take 2 strips of each length of card and a piece of ribbon.  Thread a bead on the folded ribbon and tape it to a long piece of card.  Put the pieces of card in order short, medium, long, ribbon, long, medium, short and staple them together.  Then bend them over to meet on the other side and staple them again.

God loves us very much.  He wants us to love him with all that we are.  He wants us to love the people we meet too.

You could give your heart to someone and tell them that you love them

Colouring pictures
Colour in one of these pictures

Love is happy with the truth

Prayer box
Take a piece of paper and write on it or draw a picture of anything you would like us to pray for you.

The prayers in here will be passed on to a team of people who pray every month for Messy Church

Roll your paper up and put it in one of the tubes in the cross

Clanging cymbals
Attach the bells to some ribbon and then attach a ribbon to each cymbal
Then decorate them

If I don’t love I am like a noisy bell or a crashing cymbal

What loud noises don’t you like?

Modroc heart
Stick modroc around a cardboard heart.  It will go hard when it dries

Add a cord so you can hang it up

Love is patient and kind

Where could you hang your heart to remind you of what you have done today?

Marble painting

Let the marbles roll around on your paper to make a pretty pattern

If some people are kind and loving, others will learn to be kind and loving and it spreads around everywhere

What have you learnt from other people about how to be kind and loving?