Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Jesus Visits the Temple and Mother's Day

This page takes you through the various activities we had at Messy Church on 5th March 2016. Have a look and try a few!

Paint a Portrait
Paint a portrait of someone with you.  Sit them in a chair and make sure they sit still while you paint.

Jesus went to Jerusalem with a big group of family and friends

What do you like about the portrait you have painted?

Growing Chart
Measure yourself against the ruler and mark your height off.  Put your name next to it
In today’s story Jesus is growing up
How many people are taller than you?  How many are shorter?

Baby Photos
Take a look at these baby photos.  Can you tell who any of them are of – they are people here today

In today’s story Jesus is growing up

I wonder what Jesus would have looked like.  What do you think?

Use a piece of black card as the background.  Cut out different coloured paper to be the buildings and make a picture of Jerusalem

Jerusalem was the capital of Israel.  Jesus visited it ever year with his family.  They walked there.

Have you visited any capital cities?

Lego temple
Have a look at the pictures of how the temple in Jerusalem may have looked
Then try to build a temple like it out of lego

Each year Jesus used to go to the temple in Jerusalem to celebrate a special festival called Passover

What is the most special building you have visited?

Old scroll
Stick the sheet with today’s story on it onto the parchment sheet.  Then add a seal and a ribbon and roll it up.

The Jewish teachers had the writings they taught from on scrolls.  Jesus listened to them teaching.

What do you enjoy learning about most?

What questions do you have that you would like to ask about God?
Write them on a piece of paper and stick them to the ?

Jesus enjoyed asking the Jewish teachers questions

How could you find out the answers to your questions?

Open mouthed face

Ice a biscuit.  Make an ‘ohh’ mouth with red laces.  Add smarties for eyes and another sweet for the nose.

All who heard Jesus speak were amazed at his intelligent answers.  He was only 12.

Are you good at discussing things?  What do you like to talk about most?

Teddy Hunt
In today’s story Jesus parents couldn’t find him and they looked everywhere for him.

Look around the hall and see how many teddies you can see.  Write down where you see them here and stick the list to the noticeboard by the hatch.  People who find them all will get some sweets

Marble maze

Take a box and a lid.
Make a hole in the corner of the box, big enough for a marble to go through
Make holes in the top also big enough for a marble to go through
Stick straws across the lid which the marble will roll alongside
Then can you get a marble from one side to the other without going down any of the holes

Jesus parents could not find him.  They looked everywhere

Have you ever lost something?  How did you find it?

Face painting
Have your face painted to make you look like an old person

Jesus  sat with the Jewish teachers for three days before his parents found him.  He was only 12, but they would have been much older than him.

What do you like about looking old?

Worry Prayer
Jesus’ mum and dad were very worried about him when they couldn’t find him

Is anything worrying you or someone you know?
Write or draw on the bubblewrap and tell God about it
Then pop one of the bubbles to show that you have let go of your worries to God

Jesus’ mum and dad were very pleased when they found him in the temple

Treasure on wooden hearts
Decorate a heart with paint and sequins.  Hang it on a thread.

Jesus mother Mary remembered everything that happened.  She treasured these things in her heart.

What sorts of memories do mothers treasure?

Mother's Day card
Make a card that you can give to someone who cares for you tomorrow

Jesus’ mum and dad cared for him

Who will you give your card to?

Mother's Day Plant
Put the plant in the pot and put soil around it.  Wrap it in cellophane and tie a bow

Jesus went home to Nazareth with his mum and dad?  They cared for him and he was obedient to them.

You can give this plant to someone who cares for you

Photo frames
Decorate a frame with tissue paper
Put in the photo you have had taken

Jesus was a good son.  He grew in body and in wisdom, gaining favour with God and people.

Are you growing in body and in wisdom?  What helps you to grow in wisdom?

Mother's Day Bags
Choose one of the pictures.  Hold it in the bag so that you can trace the picture onto the bag.  Then colour it in. 
They are fabric paints so it is best to iron them in when you get home.

Jesus mum and dad didn’t understand why he had stayed in the temple.  He told them it was his Father’s house.

Have you ever been misunderstood?