Saturday, 15 October 2016

Jesus at a wedding

This page takes you through the various activities we had at Messy Church on 8th October 2016. Have a look and try a few!

Bride and groom
Make the clothes of the bride and groom by sticking on cloth.  Make them look very well dressed

Jesus and his disciples were invited to a wedding.  They were friends of the family.

How did the groom feel when he ran out of wine?  How did he feel when he found they had lots of good wine after all?

Wedding guests
Add some wedding guests to the painting

There were lots of guests at the wedding that Jesus went to.  So many that they ran out of wine.

Have you been invited to a wedding?  What did you wear?  What would you like to wear if you were invited to another wedding?

Decorate glasses
Stick tissue paper onto the glasses to decorate them.

Coat the glass with glue to make it shiny

Jesus was at a wedding where they ran out of wine to drink

Have you ever run out of something you needed?  What did you do about it?

Wedding wooden spoon

Wrap ribbon and lace around the spoon handle.
Then write or draw on the spoon bowl.  You could draw a glass of water on one side and a glass of wine on the other, colour one side blue and the other purple.  Or you could write Jesus turned water into wine.

Jesus and his disciples were invited to a wedding.  He went with his mother.

Have you ever been to a wedding?  What did you like about it?

Take several sheets of tissue paper and fold them.  Then twist the end of a pipecleaner round the tissue paper to make the stem of a flower

Jesus and his disciples were invited to a wedding

Guests at a wedding may wear buttonholes
You can wear your buttonhole as you go to church to hear the wedding story being told

Wedding favours
Decorate a box.  Make it look special as it is for a wedding.  Put a chocolate in it.  You can take it away to give someone as a present.

Jesus gave a very special present at this wedding.  When they ran out of wine, he turned water into wine for them to drink.

Wedding favours are sometimes given to guests to thank them for coming to a wedding?  Who will you give yours to?

Wedding cakes
Ice a cupcake.  Then make a marshmallow into a flower by slicing it four times and spreading it out to make four petals.  Slice a piece off another marshmallow to make a centre.

The wedding Jesus went to was a very special occasion.  They had special food and drink.  But the best wine, was the wine Jesus got from the water.

I wonder what food they had at the wedding Jesus went to.  What do you think?

 Confetti painting
Spray different colours of paint onto the paper using brushes and toothbrushes.  Be careful just to spray it into the paper, not onto anyone else!

Jesus showed he wanted the couple to have a happy marriage by making sure their wedding feast went well

Throwing confetti at weddings is a custom that has been followed for hundreds of years.  It started in Italy and petals, grain or rice could be thrown.  It showed that they wanted the couple to have happy lives together.

Punch different shaped holes in the paper and fill a bag.

Jesus showed he wanted the couple to have a happy marriage by making sure their wedding feast went well

Throwing confetti at weddings is a custom that has been followed for hundreds of years.  It started in Italy and petals, grain or rice could be thrown.  It showed that they wanted the couple to have happy lives together.

Clay jar
Mould the clay into a small water jar

The water jars at this wedding were big.  They each held  about 100 Litres of water.  There were 6 of them, so that was 600 litres of water.  This water was usually for washing not for drinking.

How much water do you drink a day?

Mocktail making
Make a drink from the different cordials on the table.

When the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine, he found it was the best wine they had had all day.

What does it taste like?  Which mix tastes the best?

Water play
Pour the water using the different jugs, jars and beakers you can find

The servants filled six stone water jars when Jesus told them to

Their jars held 100 litres.  How long do you think it took them to fill each jar?

Decorate dishcloth
How many jobs can you think of that need doing around the house?
Write them on a dishcloth, or draw a picture of them.  Take it home to remind you.

Jesus told the servants to fill the jars with water, and they filled them to the brim.  Then they took some water to the master of the banquet.

What jobs do you like doing at home?

Prayer flowers
Take a flower or cut one out yourself.  Write on it something or someone that you want to pray for.

Fold over the petals and then place it gently on the water.  Watch the petals open as you pray.

The groom at the wedding told Jesus his problem and Jesus sorted it out

What do you want to tell Jesus about?

Adult colouring
Colour in one of these pictures or draw your own

Jesus’ mother was at the wedding.  Jesus and his disciples were also invited

Think about weddings that you have been to.  What special things can you remember?