Saturday, 19 November 2016

God Keeps his Promises
This page takes you through the various activities we had at Messy Church on 12th November 2016. Have a look and try a few!

Promise tree
Make a promise to God.  Write it on a piece of paper, roll it up and take it home with you.
Then tie a ribbon to the tree to show you’ve made the promise.

Every word of God proves true  (Proverbs 30:5)

Do you find it easy or difficult to keep the promises you make?  Make sure you keep this promise

Rainbow promise
Stick cotton wool to half a paper plate to make a cloud.  Attach ribbons in the colours of the rainbow.  Hang it up with a thin ribbon.

After a big flood, God promised Noah that he would never again destroy all living things with a flood.  The rainbow was a sign that God had promised this.

Have you ever seen a flood?  What do you think it’s like to have your house flooded?

Star candle jar

Stick stars all over a jam jar.  Cover the jar in glue and roll it in glitter.  Peel the stars off and let the glue dry.
Put a tealight in the jar and light in when you get home

Abraham thought he couldn’t have children, but God promised that there would be as many in his family as there are stars in the sky

How many are there in your family?

A dry path through the sea
Blow with a straw and see if you can make a dry path through the water

God promised he would be with Moses as he led the people of Israel out of slavery in Egypt.  He showed he was with them when he made a dry path through the Red Sea for them to escape through

Have you ever had to escape from a difficult situation?  What did you do?

Ten Commandments

Make some tablets out of clay and scratch some writing into them

God promised Moses that if the people would obey God and keep to the ways he had told them about, they would be his own special treasure from among all the peoples on earth

Do you know what any of God’s rules were?  Ask the helper on this table to explain.

Fridge magnet
Choose the shape of card you want, write the promise on it and decorate it.  Stick a magnet on the back

God promised Joshua ‘I, the Lord your God, am with you wherever you go’

What are the easiest places to know God is with you?  What are the hardest places to know he is with you?

Jesus plaque

Stick lolly sticks onto the board to make the word JESUS.  Be careful about which length you put where.  The word appears in the gap between the lolly sticks.

God promised to a man called Isaiah that a special baby would be born  who would be God.  This baby was born hundreds of years later.  He was called Jesus.

People had to wait a very long time for this promise to be kept.  How good are you at waiting?

Tape cross
Tape a cross onto a canvas.  Then spread paint over the canvas with your fingers.  When you peel that tape off you will have a cross picture

God promised that Jesus dying would put us right with him

This was a very hard promise for God to make.  Can you think of any hard promises you have made?
Chocolate fountain

Dip some fruit or sweets into the chocolate fountain and enjoy eating it.

Jesus promises to give life which overflows

What makes you feel full of life?

If you have brought a shoebox or gifts for Operation Christmas Child you can leave them here

Help to wrap a shoebox to be filled with gifts

 Jesus promises that if we put him first, he will give us everything we need

Pray for the person who gets the shoebox that you’ve packed.  Pray that they will know Jesus love and care for them.

Friendship bracelets
Plait a friendship bracelet

Jesus promises that we are his friends if we do what he tells us to

What is good about having friends?

Dove mobile
Draw an eye, a beak and tail feathers on the dove.  Then fold some paper and thread it through the centre to make wings.  Hang the dove up with a thread.

Jesus promises that he will give us peace of mind and heart.  The dove symbolises peace

What are the things that worry you?  What helps you not to worry?

Dove painting
Paint one of the pictures of doves

Jesus promises that he will give us peace of mind and heart.  The dove symbolises peace

What are the things that worry you?  What helps you not to worry?

Paint new heaven and earth
What is the best heaven and earth that you can imagine?  Have a go at painting it.

God promises that he will remake heaven and earth so they are perfect.  God will be there and there will be no death, sadness, crying or pain

What are you most looking forward to in the new heaven and earth?