Friday, 14 March 2014

God’s armour!

This page takes you through the various activities we had at Messy Church on 8 March 2014. Have a look and try a few!


Cut a belt to the size you need and attach a buckle.  Write the word truth on it or copy some of the phrases about God on to it.

Put the belt of truth round your waist

Why would you wear a belt?  Why could it be important?

Truth beads

Take five wooden beads and thread them on elastic. Write the letters TRUTH one on each of the beads

The truth about God will protect you

Tell someone something strange that you know and get them to guess whether it is true or false.

Wax resist

Write the five letters of TRUTH in white wax.  Then paint over them and see the letters appear

Put on the belt of truth

Do you find it easy to tell the truth?  When might it be hard?


For each person there are three facts.  Two are true and one a lie.  Tick the one that you think is a lie.

The truth about God protects us

Try this yourself.  Write your name on a piece of paper with two things that are true about yourself and one a lie.  Then stick them up for other people to guess

Tin foil breastplates

Take a piece of card and put foil around it to make a breastplate.

Put on the breastplate of righteousness
God protects us by putting things right

What part of your body does a breastplate protect?  Why would this be important?


Cut your piece of cloth at two corners to shape the top of the apron
Attach ties with velcro to the neck and waist

 Put on the breastplate of righteousness
 God protects us by putting things right

What is the messiest thing you have ever done?  Did you wear an apron?  Did you need one?


Draw on the cloth with fabric pens.  You could draw a soldier or write on some of the ways in which God protects us

 Put on the breastplate of righteousness
 God protects us by putting things right

Have you ever done something messy and got marks on your clothes?  Was it easy or difficult to get them off afterwards?


Take two bases for your shoes.  Punch holes round the edge and thread the ribbon through to make Roman shoes.

For shoes on your feet take the good news of peace

Which are your favourite shoes?  What do you like about them?

Clay shields

Roll some clay and cut out a shield shape.  Decorate the shield using a cocktail stock and write on the word FAITH.  Then take two arrows and attach them to the shield.

Take the shield of faith.  If you take that you’ll be able to stop all the flaming arrows of the evil one


Make a helmet by sticking modroc to a balloon

Take the helmet of salvation

What kinds of helmets can you think of that protect people’s heads?  Think of a sport that uses helmets, or you may have one


Wrap the silver foil ribbon around the sword to cover it.  Then stick jewels on the handle to decorate it

Take the sword of the spirit which is God’s word

Can you think of some words that God says?

Book covers

This time of year is called Lent. It is traditionally a time when people spend more time reading the stories in the Bible. Make your own mini Bible here!

Take the sword of the spirit which is God’s word

Which is your favourite Bible story?

Dress the soldier

Colour in the different parts of the armour and stick them on the man with velcro dots.  Then write what they are next to them.  There is a story sheet on your table to help you.

Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his power.  Put on God’s complete armour.  Then you’ll be able to stand firm.

Soldier’s today don’t wear armour like this?  Do you know what they do wear to protect them?

Gingerbread soldier

Take a gingerbread man and put its armour on.  The belt is liquorice, the shield and breastplate icing

Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his power.  Put on God’s complete armour.  Then you’ll be able to stand firm.

Your gingerbread man may not stay strong for long (you might eat him!), but God stays strong for ever

Protect the egg

Can you protect the egg from breaking?

If you put on God’s armour you will be able to stand up to the bad things that you struggle with

Was it easy or difficult to protect the egg?  It can be hard to stand up to bad things but God stays with us in the struggle.


Make an arrow and then see if you can hit the target with it

Arrows attack us but God protects us

Have you ever played darts or archery?  Are you any good at hitting the target?

Dodge ball

Can you protect yourself from the balls?

Bad things attack us but God protects us

How did you get on?  Were the lids any good for defending yourself?

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