Wednesday, 13 May 2015

David and Goliath

This page takes you through the various activities we had at Messy Church on  9th May 2015. Have a look and try a few!

Paintball Goliath
Roll a ball in paint.  Catapult the ball at the giant Goliath

The Philistines challenged the Israelites by asking one of them to fight Goliath

Would you have been brave enough to fight Goliath?


Paint some of this picture of Goliath and David

The Philistines challenged the Israelites by asking one of them to fight Goliath.  David volunteered.

What sort of person would be willing to fight Goliath?  He was huge. Goliath’s armour was also heavy
- his copper coat of mail weighed 5,000 shekels (57 kg; 126 lb).
- the iron blade of his spear weighed 600 shekels (6.8 kg; 15 lb).

Flip picture

Write something you are afraid of on the bottom layer.  Then write something that protects you on the middle layer.  Finally write God on the top layer.

David said he could face Goliath because ‘The Lord will save me from him’

How do you face up to difficult things?

Cardboard feet

Strap the feet onto your feet and see what it is like to walk around?

Goliath was frightening because he was so big.  He was about 3m tall

What would it be like to be 3 metres tall?  What would be good about it?  What might be difficult?

Heavy Armour

Try on these heavy clothes.  Can you write your name or draw a face with them on?

The King wanted David to wear his armour to protect him.  But it was too big and heavy for David.

How did it feel to write or draw with the clothes on?

Wool Sheep

Wrap wool round the cardboard to make a sheep

David was a shepherd who looked after his family’s sheep.

What do you think shepherds do to look after sheep?


Choose a mask for the animal you want to be.  Then colour it in or decorate it.

Before David came to the battle field he cared for sheep.  He had to kill lions and bears if they attacked the sheep.

Which animal do you think would be the most frightening to meet


Cut your cup in half.  Tie a knot in the end of the balloon and cut the balloon in half too.  Then stretch the balloon over the end of the cup.  Put a marshmallow in the cup, pull the knot back and fire

David used stones in a bag to kill Goliath

How good are you at aiming with your catapult?  Can you aim it at something and hit it?

Bible Bags

Wrap a Bible in brown paper, leaving one end open.  Then take the Bible out of the open end and you have a bag.  Punch holes in the top and thread string through for a handle.  Stick on a ‘Trust God’ label.  Put five of the edible stones in your bag and tie it up (don’t eat them yet!)

David took five smooth stones out of the stream and put them in his bag

When you eat the stones think of something that you find difficult and tell God you trust him to help you

Goliath Cup

Colour in Goliath.  Attach Goliath to a cup.  Then attach a string with a cotton wool ball on the end to the cup.  You can throw the ball at Goliath

David killed Goliath with a catapult and a stone.  He was good at it as he had used it as a shepherd.

What are the things you are good at?  What would you like to learn to do?


Make a shield by wrapping the cardboard in foil.
Then think of some things that protect us, write or draw them on pieces of paper and stick them on to the shield.

Goliath came forward to fight with a soldier walking in front  of him to carry his shield

What do you use to protect you from the rain, from the sun, from getting dirty?

Biscuit Shield

Take a biscuit and spread icing on it.  Put a malteser in the middle and coco pops around the edge to make a shield.

Goliath came out with his armour on and with a spear and a shield .  He challenged the Israelites to find one of their men to fight him

How scary do you think Goliath looked?

Skittles and Dominoes

Throw a ball at the skittles and see how many you can knock down
Stand the dominoes in a line facing each other.  Knock one down and they will all fall over.

David threw a small stone to knock Goliath down

Sometimes small things can help with big problems.  Perhaps just telling someone about the problem will help.  Can you think of any other ideas?

Messy Picture

Put some foam in a tray.  Drip some food colouring in using a lolly stick.  Then swirl it round with the stick til you have a messy pattern you like.
Take a piece of card and lay it gently on the top of the foam so that it picks up the colours.
Take up the card, scrape the foam off and let it dry

David  hadn’t expected to fight Goliath.  He had come to bring his brothers food.  But it didn't turn out the way he expected, he faced a big challenge by doing what he knew how to do and trusting God with the rest.

Think of anyone you know facing problems (it could be you).   As you make your Messy Picture ask God to help them.

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