This page takes you through the various activities we had at Messy Church on 11th July 2015. Have a look and try a few!
Write your name on one of the badges and wear it today for
Messy Church
Naomi wanted to change
her name to Marah because she was very sad when her husband died. In Hebrew, Naomi means pleasant and Marah
means bitter
Look in the book and see if you can find the meaning of your
nameThis sheet says I believe in God. If you are happy to say you believe in God put your handprint on the sheet.
Ruth had grown up in
another country with a different religion but she wanted to stay with Naomi and
she wanted Naomi’s God to be her God
What difference does it make to believe in God?
Marble chute
How many different ways can you connect the tubes to make a
marble chute.
Ruth and Naomi
travelled from Moab, where Ruth grew up, to Bethlehem where Naomi came from
What do you think it is like to move home from one country
to another? What would you like? What would you find difficult?
Paint Welcome onto the board
When Ruth and Naomi
arrived in Bethlehem the whole town was excited and welcomed them
How can you welcome people into your house or school?Grind barley with the pestle and mortar to make flour
Ruth collected wheat
and barley for Naomi to make flour with for bread
What foods can you think of that can be made out of flour?Put your hand into the straw and see what you can find. You can just take one thing.
Ruth had to pick up
the corn that had been left by the
harvest workers. She had to find grain
amongst the straw.
Have you picked anything that you can eat, maybe fruit or
vegetables in your garden at home?Make a bread roll. Put it in a bag to take it home. Take some instructions on how to cook it.
Naomi and Ruth had to
make bread from the corn they picked. It
would have been a lot of work.
Do you enjoy cooking?
What do you like to make?Draw a face on a wooden spoon. Put a brown bag over it and stuff it with straw. Then decorate it to look like a scarecrow.
When Ruth and Naomi
arrived in Bethlehem the barley harvest was just beginning. The fields were full of barley.
Have you seen fields of barley growing? How long do you think it would take them to
harvest a field by hand?
Cereal bracelets
Tie the ends to make a bracelet.
Boaz let Ruth share
the harvest workers meal of roasted grain and she even had some over to take
home with her
Can you think of a time when you had more food than you
could eat?Put glue all over the heart shape and then stick cereal onto it
The man who owned the
fields Ruth worked in was a relative of Ruth’s.
He was responsible for taking care of Ruth and her mother in law
Naomi. He made sure they had enough
grain to live on.
Which people are responsible for taking care of you? How do they do it?Use a needle to push a piece of cloth through a hole and back again the other side
Boaz went to slip on a
pile of barley. Ruth lay down under a
blanket at Boaz feet to show that she would like him to be her husband
Do you think a pile of barley made a good place to
sleep? What things help you to sleep?Paint the glass bead and thread it onto the ring band
Boaz, the man who
owned the field, married Ruth
See if anyone at your table is wearing a wedding ring. What does it look like?Choose colours of thread that you like and embroider the heart
Today’s story is full
of people caring for each other. Ruth
showed Naomi how much she loved her when she moved back to Israel. Ruth was from another country called Moab.
Boaz cared for Ruth. And in it all God
showed he cared for them too
What ways can you show people how much you love them?
Take a sock and fill it with stuffing beyond the heel. Poke your finger to the side, fill it with a little ball of stuffing and put a rubber band over it to make an arm. Then do the same on the other side. Put a rubber band round the neck fill the head and then another rubber band above it. Turn the top down to make a hat. Wrap it in cloth.
Boaz and Ruth had a baby boy and they called him Obed. When Obed grew up he had a son called Jesse and when Jesse grew up he had a son called David. David became the King of Israel.
What is it like to have a baby in your family?
Cardboard home
Most of us have nice warm, clean homes.
Many children around the world don’t. Some children have no homes, or are forced to move about from place to place.
Sit in the box. How would it feel to live in a box like this?
If you want to, write or draw your thoughts or prayers on the box.
Do you often struggle to take all your crafts home? You can make your own messy church bag.
Trace the logo through your bag.
Paint in the red splat.
You might want to also write @St. Helen’s or add your name.
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