Saturday, 13 August 2016

Team Jesus

This page takes you through the various activities we had at Messy Church on 9th July 2016. Have a look and try a few!

Disciple Badge
Colour in a badge and write your name on it.  Then write on Disciple of Jesus.  Cut it out and heat it in an oven following the instructions.  Stick a pin to the back.

Disciple means follower of a teacher.  The people who followed Jesus were known as his disciples.

What would it be like to follow Jesus?

Clay Trophy
Make a trophy out of clay

Jesus said that following him was good news, it was being on the winning team

Have you ever won anything?  What did you win it for?

Friendship Bracelet

Tie the paracord to make a bracelet following the instructions you are given

The people who followed Jesus got to know him well.  They became his friends.

Who are your friends?  What makes a good friend?  What is it like to have God as your friend?

Messy eating
Choose a partner and one of you put on a blindfold.  The blindfolded person stands behind the other, putting their arms under their partner’s arms.  Then try to feed them and give them a drink following their instructions – without making a mess!
Jesus said to the disciples ‘Come follow me, and I will make you fish for people’

How does it feel to be blind and follow instructions?  How hard is it to give clear instructions?

Paint a plate
Put your name in the middle of the plate.  Round the edge put some of the things you like and perhaps what sort of person you are (loud or quiet; sporty or musical; how old you are etc)

Jesus disciples were all different, but together they made a team

Can you think of some people who are different from you, but you do some things together?  What can be good about different people working together?

Foam Visors
Stick ‘Team Jesus’ onto the visor, and then decorate it

Jesus has many followers called disciples.  They make up his team.

What does it mean to follow Jesus, to be in his team?

Felt Fish
Sew the pieces of felt together, fill them with stuffing and stick on an eye

Four of Jesus followers were fishermen.  They left their nets to follow him.

What kinds of fish can you think of?

Comb Wave Painting
Paint a wavy line with a comb to look like the sea.  Stick on some fish.

Jesus lived near the Sea of Galilee, and he was walking by it when he saw Simon and Andrew, James and John

Would you like to live near the sea?

CD Fish

Stick the card onto the CD to make a fish

Four of Jesus’ followers were fishermen.  They left their nets to follow him.

Do you think they were happy or sad to leave their fishing behind?

Team Jesus Quiz
Can you work out the answers to the quiz?  Put your answers in the box to get a prize

Jesus chose twelve of his followers to be with him all the time and to work with him

Would you like to be in Team Jesus?

Make prints with the big wellies.  Then someone wearing small wellies can try to stand in their footprints

Jesus followers learnt a lot from him, they learnt to live like him

What can we learn from Jesus?

Junk Modelling Boats 

Can you make a boat out of this junk?

James and John were in a boat mending their nets when Jesus saw them

Have you ever been in a boat?  What sort of boat was it?  Did you travel far?

Fish wafer

Ice the wafer to look like the sea, then make a fish on it with strawberry laces

Fish were very important to followers of Jesus. They used a picture of a fish as a secret sign so that other people would know they followed Jesus.

What do you think would be a good sign to use to show that you follow Jesus?

Prayer Hands
Draw round your hand and cut it out.  Then decorate it however you like.  Punch a hole in it and hang it up on the prayer tree

Following Jesus is like taking his hand and trusting him

As you hang your hand on the prayer tree, talk to Jesus about whatever is on your mind

Adult colouring

Colour in one of these pictures or draw your own picture of the sea

Simon and Andrew, James and John, were fishermen on the Sea of Galilee before they followed Jesus

What sort of people do you think they were?

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