The Good Samaritan
This page takes you
through the various activities we had at Messy Church on 14th January 2017.
Have a look and try a few!
Put your hand print on the banner to show that you love God
Jesus said ‘Love God
with your whole self, every single bit of you’
Can you think of any ways in which you can show you love
Colour in a picture of the story.
Then add a calendar to it
Jesus said to love our neighbours as ourselves. A man asked ‘Who is my neighbour?’ and Jesus told this story.
Decorate a bag to look like it belongs to robbers
A man on a journey was
attacked by robbers who beat him up
Have you ever been delayed going somewhere? Did you get stuck in traffic, breakdown, or
trains were delayed? What was it like?
Put an icing plaster on the biscuit. Then put on a spot of jam to look like blood.
A man on a long
journey was attacked by robbers who beat him up
Animated model
Colour in the pictures of the people in the story and stick
them to the card
Thread the paper strip through the holes
As you slide it along you can tell the story that Jesus told
A priest came along
and he walked by, on the other side.
Another important man came along and he walked by, on the other
side. Then a stranger came by and he stopped
to help.
Why do you think the important people walked past?
Cover the glove hand with wet modroc sheets to make a
plaster cast hand. It is like putting a
plaster cast on when you have broken a bone.
The stranger put
ointment on his cuts and bandaged them
Have you ever had an arm or a leg in plaster? Do you know someone who has?
Take a bag and decorate it.
Then choose which things you want to put in to care for someone.
The stranger put ointment on his cuts and bandaged them
What do you think is the most useful item in your bag?
Decorate a piece of cloth.
Then make a sling out of it
Try wrapping someone up in toilet roll
The stranger put
ointment on his cuts and bandaged them
Cork donkey
Use a big cork for the body and a piece of cork for the
Join them together with cocktail sticks
The stranger put the
injured man on his donkey to take him to a safe place
Have you ever ridden on a donkey? What was it like?
Decorate the water bottle with pens and stickers
The stranger gave the
man what he needed to survive
What is your favourite cold drink? What is your favourite hot drink?
Thread the cord through the holes and pull it tight to make
a money bag.
Put in two coins
The injured man’s money had been taken. The stranger paid 2 silver coins for the
injured man’s care and promised to pay whatever else he needed
Have you ever lost any money? How did you manage?
There are different suggestions here of how you can be
helpful at home. Choose some and stick
them on your chart
Jesus said that we
should show love to people who need help, whoever they are
Take the chart home and see if you can do the helpful things
you have picked this week.
Do you know someone who lives in another country? Have you been to another country? Choose a country and make a playdoh shape
that looks like that country. Or choose
a flag and see if you can make that out of playdoh
Jesus said that we
should show love to people who need help, whoever they are. The injured man was helped by someone from another
Say a prayer for the country you’ve picked. There are some suggestions here.

Write on the board ‘Who can I help?’
Decorate it and stick a magnet to the back
Jesus asked ‘Which of the three men was a neighbour to the man that had been attacked?’
Can you think of anyone you can help? What could you do to help them?
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